Christmas Crossword
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1. something people send to each other 2. the month Christmas is in 6. a striped christmas treat 7. a common decoration at the top of a tree 9. drink and food left for santa 11. animals that pull santa's sleigh 12. something people decorate 14. a song people sing 15. a jolly man in a red suit 18. where santa makes his presents 20. Santa's door? 22. People put them on trees 24. another decoration for the top of the tree 25. what people give each other 26. santa has a white one.
1. the day before Christmas 2. what people put on their christmas tree 3. what santa gives to good boys and girls 4. Where Santa lives? 5. what is given to bad boys and girls! 8. Another word for present 10. Santa's car? 13. a famous snowman! 15. a piece of snow 16. A long sock 17. one of the reindeer 19. Look at a present before you should 21. Santa's helpers 23. The presents are usually__________ the tree.